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"Who is Jesus?"


Jesus is the Son of God, sent down from Heaven to redeem fallen humanity. He was born sinless yet died for our sins. He did this all out of pure love for us. He set us free from our bondage of sin and paid the price for us so we could go to Heaven. He is the mediator between us and God, the Father.

Please read the website below for more information.

"How do we know He actually existed?"


We know that Jesus did exist because of the New Testament. We know this because of the disciples and their writings, as well as Paul's epistles. Jesus is also mentioned in ancient Jewish and Roman texts (aside from the Bible). 


Around the year 93, the Pharisee historian Flavius ​​Josephus left in his work Jewish Antiquities at least one indisputable reference to the “brother of Jesus, who was called Christ.” Two decades later, the Romans Pliny and Tacitus also wrote about Jesus; the latter explained that the founder of the sect of Christians was executed during the mandate of Emperor Tiberius, when Pontius Pilate was governing in Judea.


Intrigued? There's still more evidence if you want to read more here

"How do we know Jesus is who He says He is?"


We know that Jesus is the Messiah, The Christ, and The Son of God. We know this because He has proven Himself. He's fulfilled Biblical prophecy—it's indisputable.


At the latest, there is AT LEAST 400 years worth of space between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Jesus fulfilled thousand-year-old Biblical prophecies. And not, it wasn't one or two, it was ALL of them.


We know that Jesus is God because He did things only God could do. He forgave sins, raised people from the dead, and granted eternal life—along with many other things.


Jesus' Father is God, and only God begets God. Jesus the His only Begotten Son. Jesus' very nature is God. He is the God-Man, and has a dual nature of both God and man.


In other words, He is God incarnate or in the flesh. He is the image of the invisible God. 


Jesus even says that He is the "I am," which is the name of Yehovah (God the Father)


Jesus didn't just claim His divinity but He proved it as well. No other human being has made claims like Jesus.


If you want to read more about this, click here 

"Is there more Biblical prophecy about Jesus?"


We know that the New Testament confirms Jesus, but does the Old Testament confirm Him?




I found a wonderful page of prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. It becomes statistically impossible to have fulfilled ALL the Old Testament prophecies. He is the Christ!


The PDF linked below is just 44 He has fulfilled.​


Still need more proof?

Read this


If you're still curious, just google "Biblical Prophecy of Jesus," you'd be amazed at all you'll find.


"What Did Jesus Do?"​


Jesus was born of a virgin and lived a perfect sinless life. God, Himself came down from Heaven (in the form of Jesus) and lived the PERFECT SINLESS life that ALL humans have failed at.


He fulfilled all Biblical prophecies as well as proved Himself through His actions. He proved Himself as God.


Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, which we have all failed. He died on the cross as payment for our sins. He suffered humiliation, torture, and punishment for us. He took everything we deserved and put it on Himself. He did this all out of love for us. Not because we did anything, but because He is Love. He is God. He is Jesus.


"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

-2 Corinthians 5:21


Please go to this page and find out more



"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

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