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This page is dedicated to questions about God and Christianity. If you have a specific question, click the button to find an answer, or send me a message in the chat.

"Why would God create evil?"

He didn't.
Let me elaborate. God didn't create evil, but He did create a cause and effect universe. He is love, He also gave His creation free will. If God did not love us, He would have not given us free will. He could have made robots who would do His bidding and would never complain.
Still confused? Think about it this way. A couple has a baby, and that baby grows up to become a serial killer. The couple was not abusive and if anything they were nurturing and caring parents. Their child decided that he was going to become a murderer. Did the couple create evil? No. They created the child, who in turn decided to do evil.
God is love and wants to share His love with His creation. He wants His creation to love Him back, and He wants His creation to choose Him. His creation doesn't have to love Him, but He gave Himself up so that we could be reunited with Him.

"How can a loving God send people to Hell?​


God is love, and He is forgiving as well as merciful, and He is long-suffering. He doesn't want any of us to perish and suffer Hell. He did not create Hell for humans, but for Satan and his followers. But if you don't belong to God you belong to Satan, there is no other option.
God is the epitome of Love, He is forgiveness, and He is perfection. However, He is also Just and He is the perfect Judge. He is fair. We broke His law and He must punish us.
HOWEVER, He took all the punishment and suffering for us. He only asks that we believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. He asks that we would love Him and commit our lives to Him—which was our original purpose. He simply asks for us to place our faith in Jesus and rely on Him. He did all the work and He only asks us to do a little. 


If you reject Him, He isn't going to force you to be in Heaven with Him. God is in Heaven and if you don't want to know God on Earth, He will honor your decision. If you think things are bad here on Earth you need to realize God is still in control.


Every beautiful and nice thing on the Earth is a gift from God. Sex? a gift. Icecream? a gift. Laughter and friendship? a gift. Music? a gift. etc, etc, etc.
There are none of these things in Hell. Hell is complete separation from God and His goodness as well as His gifts. There is no sex and Rock'n'Roll in Hell. 


He loves you so much that He will honor your choice to not be with Him. Even if it means your suffering.


"What Proof is there of God?"


Simply put, creation.​

A painting did not just come into existence on it's own. Rather it was painted by the painter. Likewise, a watch has an intricate design and is composed of multiple individual parts. It did not make itself.


The STABLE universe couldn't have been made from UNSTABLE atoms. Our universe is intricately made by the hands of the Creator.


Think about all the ecosystems on the planet and how all the organisms work together. Think about all the things your body can do and what it's composed of. It can't be all be some cosmic accident. I don't have enough faith to believe in an accidental creation.


"Who Created God?"


No one. 


 God, is the creator of the whole universe and He is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created, so He has no beginning in time. He cannot be subject to His own creation. He has always existed.


Still confused? read this article.

"Why Does God Allow Suffering?"


There are a few ways to tackle this question. One answer is that God, Himself suffered and He doesn't promise a life on earth without suffering. In fact, He tells us that His followers will be persecuted and have to suffer just like He did. Jesus is even described as a man of sorrows, He suffered, so what makes you think we aren't going to suffer?


But what about suffering in general? ie child-abuse, death, natural disasters, and more?


We need to remember that we live in a fallen world. A world with sin and evilness. This is not the way we were originally created to live. As a result, we are subject to the evils of this world. We live in a cause and effect universe and every action has a reaction or consequence. 


However, God uses even the evil and suffering for good. He uses even the painful in order to fulfill His will.


But God knows your hurt, He knows everything about you. He knows and feels your pain because He went through it as well. You're hurting from the loss of a loved one?

Jesus wept bitterly when His friend, Lazarus died. He's a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. God is close to the broken-hearted. It even says so in the Bible.


God promises that He will wipe away every tear, and there will be no more suffering. No more death and no more hurt. Our life on here is but a vapor, eternity is forever. The little we suffer on this earth will be nothing compared to the joy we will experience in the presence of God forever.


"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

-Revelation 21:4


Read this article for more information


"Does God Love Me?"​


Yes. God loves you so much, He gave us His own life so that you could be with Him. He created you and knew you before you were ever born. He knows your whole life story and He only wishes to bless you.


"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..." 

-Jeremiah 1:5 


"'For I Know The Plans I Have For You' Declares the Lord, 'Plans to Prosper You and Not to Harm You, Plans to Give You Hope and a Future."

-Jeremiah 29:11

"How Do We Know The Bible is God's Word? Or That It's Even True?"



The Bible is actually a collection of 66 books written by a little over 40 people, written over a span of approximately 1,500 years.


(This does not mean it took 1,500 solid years of writing to complete the Bible. Rather, it took this long for the entirety of the canon of Scripture to be completed, as God revealed His Word to people in His own timing.)


God wrote the Bible through His prophets and apostles through either direct revelation or through use of the Holy Spirit.


The Bible, although written by 40ish different people, does not contradict itself. There is even mention of Jesus right in Genesis. The Bible consists of the Torah/Old Testament and the New Testament.


The Bible also has many interesting patterns, which in my own readings I have found shocking and amazing. It's hard to deny the existence of God when His fingerprints are all over the Bible.


I love Chuck Missler's explanations on the Bible and the hidden codes within it.​

Please watch this short video 


I could go on and on about many more instances of things within the Bible that can't be a coincidence. But if you are intrigued please go here and check out my personal resources.


"Is Homosexuality a Sin?"



But so is lying, envy, greed, murder, rape, idolatry, lust, pride, selfishness, pre-martial sex, laziness, etc.


Should Christians judge a person on the basis of their sexual orientation? No.

Should they outright discriminate against them? No.

Should they throw their children out if they are gay? No.

Should they look down upon those who are gay? No.


HOWEVER, God likes order. He created male and female to procreate and fill up the world. He created the both of them with certain characteristics that work in unison and complement one another.


Same sex-attraction in and of itself is not a sin, but when a person acts on it they are sinning.


For example, A gay man has sexual-attraction towards other men. However, he is a Christian and wants to honor God. God does not condone homosexual  sexual relationships. The man understands this and takes up his cross daily (as Jesus commands ALL His followers to do--avoiding temptation, suffering persecution, denying oneself, etc)

The man is tempted to have a relationship with another man but his temptation is not sin. We are all tempted in our own way, but we do not have to act out on our temptation. Some people have a higher possibility to have same-sex attraction, it's just how it is.


There are many homosexual Christians who have experienced God's love firsthand and decide to obey God rather than themselves.

Don't believe me? I'm one of them. My life is much more fulfilling with God, than it ever was being bisexual.

Still don't believe me? Watch this

You still don't? Visit this Church in Singapore and hear their testimonies


I ask that you would watch the videos below as well.

"Do Christians Worship 3 Gods?"​


No, Christians worship one God.


Please watch the videos below, they explain it better than I can.



















If we could fully understand His attributes and how He can be three persons in One, then He wouldn't be any greater than the human minds who created Him.


Think about it this way. If we could relate to and understand His essence perfectly, He wouldn't be God.

"Doesn't Science Disprove Christianity?"


No, if anything science and archeology proves Christianity.

I could write you paragraphs of how Dinosaurs are shown in the Bible, how archeology confirms biblical accounts, and how it doesn't logically make sense that our universe is an accident. But I don't think you want to read through that. Instead, if you are interested click here to find out more on the resources page. Also, watch the video below. 


"Is Jesus The Only Way to Heaven?"​


Yes, He is the only way. Jesus was the only one to claim to be God and the only one to prove it.


He said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

-(John 14:6).


He is the only person to claim that He is THE Truth. If you reject Him, you reject Him who sent Him. Jesus is the "door" through which you can have fellowship with God. Jesus is the mediator between God and Man. He proved He is God from his resurrection from the grave, as well as His miracles and actions.


Click here to read more




"What about Those Who Haven't Heard of Him?"​


God is a Just and perfect Judge. Those who have not heard the good news of the Gospel and have not placed their faith in Jesus will still be judged. Everyone who dies will face His judgment. However, we are not sure of their fate.  


God does work in miraculous ways to reach those who don't know Him. For example, many have had visions and dreams of Jesus and have come to know Him through missionaries in their country.


Everyone will have a chance to decide, and if they don't, it's God who will be fair in His judgment. He will hold all who have heard but reject Him, accountable.


Don't believe me? My step-mom is from Thailand and she worked in Bangkok for a while. She used to listen to the radio while she worked and would hear about Jesus. She had tuned in to a Christian radio station in Thailand. She was intrigued but didn't go out seeking God. Later on down the road, my dad and her got married. We had become a family, my dad, my step-mom, my step-brother, and me. She came to know God through my Dad. We had become a Christian family.


"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

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