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Many people say that all religions can lead to heaven. Some even say that as long as you aren't a bad or evil person you can go to heaven. (ie as long as you aren't Hitler) But there's a problem with that...

All religions cannot all lead to the same place.


Just because it looks cute on a bumper sticker, doesn't mean it's the truth.


Since we know there is a creator (ie God) we know that there must be something after this world. All religions teach that there is an afterlife. But how can we be sure to know which is which?


Muslims, Jews, and Christians worship the same God right?


NO! No, they do not. Muslims DO NOT worship the God Yehovah, but rather "Allah,"

***Allah is the Arabic name for "god," but when attributed to Allah the god of Islam, it is NOT God.

Of this I am certain. 

(Before you bash me read through my research. My opinion is informed and not an ignorant statement.)


Please read this article


New Age


"The New Age is actually a collection of beliefs and practices. Each New Ager fills his tray with whatever assortment fits his appetite. All of it is seasoned with self-centeredness. It's really a Have-It-Your-Way religion – thus its modern appeal."


New Agers believe:


  • God is in everything (pantheism)  

  • All things are one (monism)

  • Man is God

  • Mind creates reality

  • One’s own experience validates the truth


 They are Universalists, believing that all paths lead to God. They fault Christians for being intolerant and narrow-minded. However, most New Agers hold Jesus in high regard, believing Him to be a great spiritual teacher or guru. Many will study the words He spoke, although they interpret them differently.




Buddhism is a faith that was founded by Siddhartha Gautama “the Buddha” more than 2,500 years ago in India. 


The Buddha taught the "Three universal truths, four noble truths, and the eightfold path." These explain the nature of human suffering and a way to liberate oneself from the existential pains of life and reach nirvana.


Although some teaching differs, a core aspect of Buddhism is that one can come to understand the truth of existence by living an ethical life dedicated to spiritual development.


Let's break this down:

Buddhists follow the teachings of one man, the Buddha. They claim that he attained Enlightenment himself and that he has graciously shown us how to attain it. Buddhists believe in reincarnation and that energy forever stays in the Universe. They believe that "everything depends on everything else." Present events are caused by past events and become the cause of future events. But there's no beginning or end. 


Something important to note: YOU can work your way to Nirvana or Enlightenment.


Logically, we do not know if reincarnation is true or not. We're to believe one man and his teachings are absolute truth.


If anything, his teachings were sound advice for living an ethical life. However, are we to believe that by living a monastic lifestyle we can achieve Nirvana? By doing this you are placing a lot of trust in Buddha. At the end of the day, one needs to differentiate between what sounds appealing vs what is the Truth. 




Hindus believe in one universal soul called "Brahman," who is formless, genderless (but can be worshipped as male, female or animal) and is the source of all reality. Some say Brahman is the universe.


 The main goal of Hindus is to get back to Brahman. If a Hindu can do this they will be free from the cycle of life and death (this is called Moksha). Also, all Hindus worship one supreme being (Brahman) who created a bunch of gods to be his/her helpers.


Like Buddhists, Hindus believe that there is no beginning or end of time. Hindus also believe in Dhrama which is "Proper behavior," maintaining balance in the universe. How well you perform your dharma determines your karma/fate. The soul is subjected to rebirth in different living forms according to its karma. This continues until you break the cycle of life and death.


There is no heaven but rather seven upper and lower worlds when you die. The ultimate form of enlightenment and achievement is to become one with Brahman and return to an eternity of peace and rest.


Something important to note: YOU can work your way to contentment and oneness with Brahman.




Judaism is an ethnic religion and is connected to Christianity. The Jews believe in the Monotheistic God, Yehovah, who made a covenant with Abraham. This covenant was that God promised to make Abraham the father of a great people (the Jews) and said that Abraham and his descendants must obey God (Jewish men are circumcised as a symbol of this covenant). In return, God would guide them and protect them and give them the land of Israel.


Jews believe that God appointed them to be His chosen people in order to set an example of holiness to the world. The Jews are God's chosen people who through their lineage would bring forth the Messiah.


According to the Jews, the Messiah will be a righteous Jewish king who is sent by God to unite people all over the world. Many Jews believe that when the Messiah comes, he will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.


The Jewish holy book is the Torah or Pentateuch. (It is the Old Testament of the Bible) 


God has given His special people certain rules and has established a law with them. They are to follow this law and are able to get into Heaven through diligently following the law and living righteously.


Something important to note: YOU can work your way to Heaven by following the law given by God.



Islam was created in the 7th century and it is considered the youngest of the major world religions. It is an Abrahamic religion like Judaism and Christianity. However, the difference is that Muslims believe that Ishmael is an ancestor to Muhammad—whereas Jews and Christians believe that Ishmael was exiled with his mother Hagar. Ishmael was not to inherit the land promised to Abraham, but a nation would be made through him (Arabs)


Islam has similarities to Christianity and Judaism. This is because the Quran has been influenced by the Old Testament. Same prophets, even some of the same books, and psalms to God.


But the thing is the Quran was relayed to Muhammad, verbally from Allah through the angel Gabriel gradually over a period of approximately 23 years.​

Click here for more info


One person wrote the Quran in a span of 23 years. Whereas the Bible has been written by over 40 different people in the form of 66 books and over the course of 1,500 years. Yet all the books within the Bible are not contradictory. The authors who penned the Bible didn't know each other, AND, there are hidden codes within the Bible proving a greater force wrote it. Don't just take my word for it, click here to find out more


There are 5 pillars of Islam:


1. Shahadah: Declaring one’s faith 

2. Salat: Prayer 5 times a day and facing the direction of Mecca whenever possible.

3. Zakat: Giving charity to the poor  (this is so the poor will not have to beg, which is discouraged in Islam.)

4. Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan

5. Hajj: A pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once.




Muslims believe that when they die they remain in their grave until judgment day. On judgment day, Allah decides according to his mercy where each person will go. There is no assurance of salvation before death. 


Muslims don’t know for sure where they will go when they die so they try their best to follow the Quran and complete good deeds.


Something important to note: YOU can work your way to Paradise.

 ***Side note: In the Quran believing men are promised to marry beautiful virgin women in Paradise called Houris. Women also will receive a reward like the Houris. While male martyrs will receive 72 virgin wives in Paradise. (This is in the Hadith and Quran)

Muslim Paradise is essentially sex and gratification. There are fruits and wine there, as well as the promise of peace. However, it is also a sensual Paradise where men are promised someone with physical and sexual attributes such as "full-grown" breasts, "hairless" and being "untouched."


Click here to find out more 



Christianity is an Abrahamic religion that has its roots in Judaism. The Christian Holy text is the Bible which is composed of the Old Testament (Torah)  and the New Testament.


Christians believe in the One true God (YHWH) who is three in one. (One in Essence and Three in Person) The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. (Click here or access the Answers page for more info)

But for simplicity's sake since God is Love the Trinity is true (Click here)


 Christianity is a faith that focuses on the figure of Jesus Christ who is the ONLY begotten Son of God.


The reason Jesus is so essential in the Christian faith is because Christians realize that they are sinful. Christians understand that God is a Holy and Just God. They understand that they have broken God's Law (Everyone has)


However, it is through God's grace that we can be with Him in Heaven. God sent His only Son, Jesus, to reconcile the relationship between God and Man. Jesus is the mediator and it is only through Him that we are able to enter Heaven.


The Bible teaches that Heaven will be a place where God wipes away all of our tears... There will be no more suffering or death. We will be given new bodies and we will reign with Christ. We will be given a job, but it will be a job that we will love and also glorify God. He knows us best and He knows what job in Heaven will suit us best. This job will be influenced by how we lived our earthly life.


Because of our sinful nature, we are unable to enter Heaven on our own. Not even through any good deed we do. We've broken the law, and therefore we must be judged accordingly. The Bible says our good deeds are as filthy rags to God.


So if we've all broken the law does that mean we all go to Hell?

Yes, but no.


You see we all deserve Hell, but Jesus died for us. He took the punishment for us. Please read about this more in-depth here.


Christians rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Christians have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and strive to live a righteous life. Not because we need to in order to enter Heaven, but because His grace changes our hearts.


Once someone realizes the magnitude of what Jesus has done for them, you want to change, and you want to be pleasing to God. I can tell you first-hand. Christians show their love for God in the form of obedience. It is a relationship in a sense.


Something important to note: YOU CANNOT work your way to Heaven.




Now we'll have a comparison. All the other major world religions say that you can work your way to Heaven, except one. All the major religions place their trust in themselves to get to heaven, except one. All of them say their way is the right way.


Logically, let's break this down. All of them can't be right. If all of them are right then all of them are wrong, because they contradict each other. So no.


Once again, bumper stickers aren't the truth. All religions do not lead to the same place. It serves to reason that the one that's different is the correct one.


Christianity is different from every religion because it doesn't say that man can achieve salvation on his own. In fact, Christianity points out how flawed humanity is and how evil humans are.


Don't believe that humans aren't innately bad? Muslims believe all humans are born with innate goodness.


Why is it that you have to teach toddlers how to be good though? Why is it that people rape and murder each other? Some food for thought...


If you haven't read the article I linked at the beginning of this page, please read it now here


Please click the button below to read more about Chrisitanity 



"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

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